Bioinformatics Center
Hosted services
Bioinformatics Center
Hosted services
Most of the preinstalled applications on the computing servers are installed as environment modules.
To use application you first must activate it. This will modify the environment variables of the user so that the application and all its dependencies are available for usage.
To find the available modules you will need to use the following command in terminal
module avail
This will give you an list of all the available modules. For example list of available applications on SAMPO cluster (09.06.2021):
ambertools/20 freesurfer/7.1 nextflow/19.10 sentieon/201911 texlive/2019 bcl2fastq2/2.20 igv/2.8.0 nextflow/20.12.0-edge sentieon/202010 sra-toolkit/2.9.2 chilin/2.0 macs/ nextflow/21.04.1 shapeit/2.17 star/2.6.1b cuda/10.1 minimac4/1.0.2 nf-core/1.8 snptest/2.5.2 vcftools/0.1.14 eagle/2.4.1 msdial/4.60 pyega3/3.4.1 snptest/2.5.4-beta3 stringtie/1.3.4a bamtools/2.5.1 clustalw/2.1 matlab/R2015b python/2.7.15 tabix/2013-12-16 bamutil/1.0.13 cufflinks/2.2.1 matlab/R2018b python/2.7.17 trimmomatic/0.36 bcftools/1.9 diamond/0.9.21 openjdk/1.8.0_202-b08 python/3.7.0 bcftools/1.10.2 fastqc/0.11.7 openjdk/11.0.2 python/3.7.3 bedops/2.4.39 fastx-toolkit/0.0.14 openmpi/1.10.7-2 r/3.5.3 bedtools2/2.27.1 freebayes/1.1.0 openmpi/3.1.4 r/3.6.1 bedtools2/2.29.2 gcc/8.2.0 picard/2.18.3 r/4.0.0 bowtie/1.2.3 hisat2/2.1.0 plink/1.07 samtools/1.9 bowtie2/ homer/4.10 plink/1.90b6.12 samtools/1.10 bwa/0.7.17 htslib/1.9 plink/2.00a2.3LM seqtk/1.3
You can search for an package with 'spider' command
module spider homer
To activate the application you can use the following command
module load bowtie2
Note: You can activate multiple applications but you cannot activate multiple versions of the same application.
If you wish to Load some specific version number of the application
module load bowtie2/
You can also deactivate module
module unload bowtie2
Save list of loaded modules for next login
module save
Restore list of saved modules
module restore
Note: If you add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc file then the modules are automatically loaded on login.
You can quickly go to the application installation path
module load bowtie2 cd $BOWTIE2_ROOT