Bioinformatics Center
Hosted services
Bioinformatics Center
Hosted services
Following example can be used as a nextflow.config file.
params { config_profile_description = 'The University of Eastern Finland SLURM cluster profile' config_profile_contact = 'Oskari Timonen' config_profile_url = '' } singularity { enabled = true autoMounts = true cacheDir = "/some/fast/directory/for/apptainer/containers" } process { executor = 'slurm' queue = 'small' queueSize = 16 // submitRateLimit = '20/2min' // submitRateLimit = '1min' maxSubmitJobs = 20 errorStrategy = 'retry' maxRetries = 5 retry.delay = '1min' time = '1.d' cpus = 8 memory = '20 GB' clusterOptions = '--job-name=nfSLURM \ --output=/directory/for/slurm/outputs/2024-03-08_output.txt \ --error=/directory/for/slurm/error/outputs/2024-03-08_log-error.txt \ } params { max_memory = 50.GB max_cpus = 32 max_time = 3.d }