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guides:slurm:using-r [29.10.2019 15:10] external edit
guides:slurm:using-r [18.10.2024 14:10] (current)
Line 24: Line 24:
 #SBATCH --time 5 # Runtime in minutes. #SBATCH --time 5 # Runtime in minutes.
 #SBATCH --mem=2000 # Reserve 2 GB RAM for the job #SBATCH --mem=2000 # Reserve 2 GB RAM for the job
-#SBATCH --partition serial # Partition to submit+#SBATCH --partition small # Partition to submit
 #SBATCH --output hello.out # Standard out goes to this file #SBATCH --output hello.out # Standard out goes to this file
 #SBATCH --error hello.err # Standard err goes to this file #SBATCH --error hello.err # Standard err goes to this file
Line 30: Line 30:
 #SBATCH --mail-type ALL # ALL will alert you of job beginning, completion, failure etc #SBATCH --mail-type ALL # ALL will alert you of job beginning, completion, failure etc
-module load r # load modules+module load r/4.0.0 # load modules
 Rscript hello.R # Execute the script Rscript hello.R # Execute the script
 ``` ```
-The last step is to submit the job to the compute queue with the **[sbatch](** command. Note that the batch file (and R script and data) must be located at local file system of login node, e.g. /home/users/ disk.+The last step is to submit the job to the compute queue with the **[sbatch](** command.
 ``` ```
 sbatch scriptR.sbatch sbatch scriptR.sbatch
 ``` ```
guides/slurm/using-r.1572354625.txt.gz · Last modified: 29.10.2019 15:10 by