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guides:slurm:array-job [05.03.2020 16:13]
Juha Kekäläinen
guides:slurm:array-job [18.10.2024 14:09] (current)
Line 11: Line 11:
 #SBATCH --ntasks 1                              # Number of task #SBATCH --ntasks 1                              # Number of task
 #SBATCH --time 5                                # Runtime in minutes. #SBATCH --time 5                                # Runtime in minutes.
-#SBATCH --mem=400                               # Reserve 400 MB RAM for the job +#SBATCH --mem=500                               # Reserve 500 MB RAM for the job 
-#SBATCH --partition serial                      # Partition to submit+#SBATCH --partition small                       # Partition to submit
 #SBATCH --output fastq_%A_%a.out.out            # Standard output goes to here #SBATCH --output fastq_%A_%a.out.out            # Standard output goes to here
 #SBATCH --error fastqc_%A_%a.err                # Standard error goes to here #SBATCH --error fastqc_%A_%a.err                # Standard error goes to here
-##SBATCH --mail-user            # this is the email you wish to be notified at +#SBATCH --mail-user            # this is the email you wish to be notified at 
-##SBATCH --mail-type ALL                        # ALL will alert you of job beginning, completion, failure etc+#SBATCH --mail-type ALL                        # ALL will alert you of job beginning, completion, failure etc
 #SBATCH --array=1-100%3                         # Array range and number of simultanous jobs #SBATCH --array=1-100%3                         # Array range and number of simultanous jobs
Line 23: Line 23:
 # Load required modules # Load required modules
-module load fastqc/0.11.7+module load fastqc/0.12.1
 # Search all the fastq files from the "data" directory and generate the array # Search all the fastq files from the "data" directory and generate the array
guides/slurm/array-job.1583417585.txt.gz · Last modified: 05.03.2020 16:13 by Juha Kekäläinen