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infrastructure:redcap [22.09.2019 19:16]
Teemu Kuulasmaa
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-# REDCap 
-REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a browser-based, metadata-driven software solution and workflow methodology for designing clinical and translational research databases. REDCap was developed by an informatics team at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee). Nowadays it is widely used in the academic research community: the REDCap Consortium is a collaborative, international network of more than 3500 institutional partners in over 130 countries, with almost 1,000,000 total end-users employing the software for more than 700,000 ongoing research studies. 
-Server address: 
-User accounts: 
-User group: MS Teams group 
-## Licensing 
-Although REDCap software is available at no charge to institutional partners it is not open-source software: 
-  * REDCap is restricted in use, permitted only for non-commercial research purposes. 
-  * REDCap is also restricted in redistribution because Vanderbilt is the only entity that can distribute it. 
-  * All derived works – such as innovations or programmatic features added on by the user – are essentially owned by Vanderbilt. 
-## REDCap at UEF 
-REDCap system is hosted by IT Services at UEF as on-premise service. Server maintenance, access rights and backup are managed by BIC together with IT Service. All new users are required to apply access to REDCap system at UEF. Please send requests to 
-**NOTICE**: All REDCap user accounts will expire yearly. Users will be provided with instructions how accounts can be reactivated! 
-## Support 
-If you have any questions regarding REDCap, please contact Unfortunately BIC doesn't have enough resources to provide comprehensive user support but we will helps with project configuration, setup and troubleshooting. Users are encouraged to share knowledge and best practices with each other. The REDCap system contains comprehensive user manuals, context aware helps and video tutorials. 
-## Citing 
-Please cite the REDCap project when publishing manuscript using the following language: 
-"Study data were collected and managed using REDCap electronic data capture tools hosted at University of Eastern Finland (1,2). REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based application designed to support data capture for research studies, providing: 1) an intuitive interface for validated data entry; 2) audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures; 3) automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages; and 4) procedures for importing data from external sources." 
-Paul A. Harris, Robert Taylor, Robert Thielke, Jonathon Payne, Nathaniel Gonzalez, Jose G. Conde, Research electronic data capture (REDCap) - A metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support, J Biomed Inform. 2009 Apr;42(2):377-81. 
-PA Harris, R Taylor, BL Minor, V Elliott, M Fernandez, L O’Neal, L McLeod, G Delacqua, F Delacqua, J Kirby, SN Duda, REDCap Consortium, The REDCap consortium: Building an international community of software partners, J Biomed Inform. 2019 May 9 [doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208] 
-Please acknowledge also the support by UEF BIC in any publications with the following text: 
-"This study was supported by Bioinformatics Centre and IT Services at University of Eastern Finland by providing local REDCap server environment." 
-REDCap at UEF 
-REDCap - Local REDCap installation at University of Eastern Finland. 
-## Resources 
-### REDCap 
-  * [[|REDCap project]] - Learn more about REDCap project and REDCap consortium. 
-  * [[|Video archive]] - Familiarize yourself with REDCap functions. Comprehensive video archive is good starting point to get to know REDCap better. 
-  * [[|Shared form library]] - Browse field tested data collections instruments. Pick one and modify it to suit for your needs. 
-  * [[|Examples]] - Example REDCap projects. Feel free to try different REDCap functions and tools in live environment. 
-  * [[|Free trial]] - Test your own project in real environment. Get one week trial account from Vanderbilt University. 
-### Third Party Tools 
-  * [[|REDCap-Tools]] - REDCap-Tools is an organization that fosters interesting projects built against REDCap. The project try to push the data management capabilities provided by REDCap’s more advanced tools (namely the API and Data Entry Triggers) to their fullest potential. 
infrastructure/redcap.1569169016.txt.gz · Last modified: 29.10.2019 15:10 (external edit)