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home:publications [15.01.2024 13:51]
home:publications [15.01.2024 13:53]
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 Please find below annual lists of the publications that took advantage of the services provided by Bioinformatics Center. Please find below annual lists of the publications that took advantage of the services provided by Bioinformatics Center.
 +## 2024
 +Sallamaari Siponen, Balamuralikrishna Jayaprakash, Anna-Maria Hokajärvi, Vicente Gomez-Alvarez, Jenni Inkinen, Ivan Ryzhikov, Pia Räsänen, Jenni Ikonen, Anna Pursiainen, Ari Kauppinen, Mikko Kolehmainen, Jussi Paananen, Eila Torvinen, Ilkka T. Miettinen, Tarja Pitkänen, **Composition of active bacterial communities and presence of opportunistic pathogens in disinfected and non-disinfected drinking water distribution systems in Finland**,
 +Water Research, Volume 248, 2024, 120858, ISSN 0043-1354,
 ## 2023 ## 2023
home/publications.txt · Last modified: 16.09.2024 16:13 by Administrator