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Bioinformatics Center

Bioinformatics Center at University of Eastern Finland provides researchers and students with bioinformatics expertise and infrastructure services. Bioinformatics Center provides expertise in bioinformatics, data-analysis and data management. We manage high-end computational servers that enable us to provide a wide range of computational services for data management, high-performance scientific computing, web-hosting and software tools used in research and education. Bioinformatics Center also provides researchers and students with training and participates in teaching bioinformatics courses at UEF. This wiki gives practical information related to these matters.

UEF researchers and students can requests access to the server environments at Apply for Server Access. The access is admitted for 2 years at a time and the users should renew it by filling a new application.

The official website of Bioinformatics Center is at UEF Bioinformatics Center

home.1569176605.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 29.10.2019 15:10 (external edit)